Online Registration

To register for a pre-payment account to access the online Häfele shop, please fill in the following fields.

  • Please note that our offer is only directed at commercial businesses and resellers within the Furniture and/or Architectural Hardware Industry.
  • A valid ABN is required for this registration to be activated.



*Mandatory field

Company Information

Main Trading Name *
Legal Entity Name *
Street Number *
Street *
Street Name 2
Postcode *
/ Suburb *
State *
Country *
Australian Business Number (ABN) *
Australian Company Number (ACN)
Number of employees *
Company telephone number
Company email address *

Contact Information (Primary Contact)

First Name *
Last Name *
E-Mail Contact person *
Telephone *
Mobile number

Set password

Password *
Repeat Password *

Please confirm the following information.*

I declare the above information is true and accurate.

It is hereby confirmed that all current and future services will be procured on Industry related basis and that the ABN number provided is to be valid.

I hereby agree to the General Terms and Conditions of Häfele Australia Pty ltd.